GROWTH Students
 /  GROWTH Students
Christopher Davis (University of Maryland)

Victor is a junior at Caltech who is truly "excited by the idea of directly contributing to a better knowledge of the universe". He has also had strong interest in Japanese culture since elementary school, has visited Japan twice and continues to learn about Japanese language and culture with the same passion with which he explores the universe.


  • Program Start Date June, 2017
  • Program End Date   Sept, 2017
  • Project Protostellar Abrupt Varriability in Optical and Millimeter Wavelengths
  • Mentor Prof Wen-Ping Chen
  • National Central University, Taiwan

Every star, starts its life as a protostar - a lump of gas that's gravitationally pulled together intil the temperature at its core is so high that a theronmuclear reaction is ingited. A star is born...

GROWTH is funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant No 1545949. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
