Astronomers gather clues about unseen cataclysmic collisions
Two large international teams of astronomers joined forces to search for collisions between a neutron star and a black hole.
Read moreThe virtual GROWTH school goes truly global
This year, the GROWTH school was conducted online allowing students from all over the world to participate.
Read moreWhy a global network of telescopes followed the "Cow"
After months of observations, astronomers are closer to solving the mystery of the "Cow"
Read moreHoly Cow! Astronomers agog at mysterious new supernova
A supernova far beyond our galaxy shone so bright, so fast that it stunned astronomers aroung the world. The GROWTH team is now uncovering the mystery.
Read moreA new telescope for infrared celestial cinematography
A new infrared telescope will scan the visible sky from Palomar every night in search of stellar explosions surrounded by dust and other hidden cosmic transients.
Read moreA Dying Star Emits A Whisper
GROWTH scientists observe the surprisingly quiet death of a massive star suggesting that we have seen, for the first time, the birth of a compact neutron star binary system.
Read moreUnique light echo observations sheds light on rare supernovae
An international team of GROWTH researchers uses light echoes from a brilliant stellar explosion to reconstruct its history.
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